Stricken, Häkeln lernen * Strickanleitungen * Socken stricken

nadelspiel Adventskalender 2019 * 23. Dezember * Runde 34

1 21.070

Ferdisch! Danke, dass Ihr mit mir dieses zauberhafte Doily gemeinsam gehäkelt habt!

23. Dezember * Runde 34

23. Dezember * Sternanis

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1 Kommentare
  1. gisela chambers

    Hi Elizza, thank you so much for the beautiful Advent doily pattern. I am so happy you take the time and have the patience to go through the whole pattern with us, row by row. Thank you so much. I have crocheted your last three Christmas doilies and it has become a tradition for me to crochet one of yours every Christmas time. Since I live here in Utah, I usually can find the DMC #10 cotton yarn and that is what I use and it looks always really pretty.
    Also, I have learned the boomerang heel from you when I knit socks. Thanks for that too. You always make it look so easy. So thanks again. Hope your neck is much better now. Liebe Grüsse, Gisela