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Knitting Pattern * Triangle Scarf „Hannibal“ reversible

1 5.975
Knitting Pattern * Triangle Scarf "Hannibal" reversible
Knitting Pattern * Triangle Scarf "Hannibal" reversible

This delicate knitting stitch reminds me of the mask of Hannibal Lecter in „Silence of the Lambs“ – thus the name for this lace triangle scarf >;o)

PDF Download * Knitting pattern * Triangle Scarf „Hannibal“ reversible for 2.49 € at the nadelspiel Shop

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1 Kommentare
  1. Elaine Stephens says

    I purchased a pattern (Triangle – Hannibal Lechter) but since I don’t speak German, I have no idea how I’m to receive it…mail…email???