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NEU im Shop * Anleitung Kinderpulli & Mütze „Dennis“ für 4/5/6 Jahre

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Strickanleitung Kinderpulli "Dennis"
Strickanleitung Kinderpulli „Dennis“

Der Winter kann kommen mit unserer Serie an kuschligen Wintersachen aus der Omega+. Den Anfang macht dieses Set aus Pullover und Mütze…

PDF-Download * Strickanleitung Kinderpulli & Mütze „Dennis“ im nadelspiel Shop
Beim Kauf von Omega+ ab 300g Strickanleitung kostenlos per Mail!

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3 Kommentare
  1. Kim says

    Not sure I will receive your replies

  2. Kim says

    A huge fan of your work although I try to follow your videos being only English I am unable to understand and was considering purchasing a pattern concern being do they come in English
    Please help
    I feel like am missing out on all you could teach me

    1. Lila says

      Dear @Kim,

      on you can find all English vidos of eliZZZa.
      we regret that the shop with our English patterns is out of order at the moment.

      Yours, Lila